Volume I

In Volume I, we discussed the the concerns and experiences of Black artists and social dancers mostly from the local community. We took a case-study approach to deepen our knowledge on how racism persists in our Afro-Latin dance community.


Volume I Track 1: Picoteando por ahí / Pecking around

We offer context about who (Mel and Andrés) are what has shaped our racial and ethnic identity and who we are as social dancers and academic researchers.

Volume I Track 2: Sin negro no hay guaguancó/ Without black theres no guaguanco

We talk to social dancers Sharita Thomas and Victor Conner about the ways in which racism manifests in the Afro-Latin Dance scene during socials, classes, and congresses.


Sharita Thomas
Sharita Thomas
Victor Conner
Victor Conner

Volume I Track 3a/3b: La negra tiene tumbao/The black woman has tumbao

In these two episodes we talk with Lauren Wilmore (Ballroom, NYC) and Kimberly Nicole (Kizomba, NC) about how race and racism intersects with professional Afro-Latin and African dance, dance classes, dance team management, and dance businesses.


Kimberly Nicole
Kimberly Nicole
Lauren Wilmore
Lauren Wilmore

Volume I Track 4: Mi gente/ My people

We let our listeners take charge of this anti-racist project. Our listeners share their impressions and experiences in dance communities locally and abroad.


Jose Hernandez

Indy Solo

Tiara Harrison

Annie Velez (ft Valentina)

Jordan Alayna

Aaron Montgomery

Sidney Tucker

Zoia Cisneros

Walter Nolasco

Briana Harrison

Volume I Track 5: Conciencia / Conscience

We discuss the main insights regarding racism and the dance community from our conversations with social and professional dancers in the Afro-Latin dance scene.

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